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The exhibition Time Space Existence presents architects from 6 continents brought together in an extraordinary combination. It shows current developments and thoughts in international architecture, presenting architects with different cultural backgrounds and in different stages of their careers, what they have in common is their dedication to architecture in the broadest sense of their profession, presenting architecture through a focus on the concepts Time, Space and Existence. Architects should be very conscious about the impact their activities have on living beings and on our environment. This exhibition aims to enlarge our human awareness of our own personal existence as human beings within a specific space and time.

Muhon: Traces of an Adolescent City
Commissioner: National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), Felipe M. de Leon. Curators: Juan Paolo de la Cruz, Sudarshan  Khadka Jr., Leandro Locsin (LVLP Partners).

Live Differently
Commissioner: N’Guessan N’Dri Barthelemy. Curator: Sossah Francis. Exhibitor: Ministère de la construction et de l’urbanisme, Ministère de l’habitat et du logement social, Ministère de la culture et de la francophonie, Ordre des architectes, Ecole d’architecture d'Abidjan.